Building For Revival: Remembering the PAST! (Sermon Audio)


This is the audio from the May 26, 2024 sermon, “Building For Revival: Remembering the PAST!”, shared by Tom Lemler at the Deer Run Church of Christ.

Text: Nehemiah 7

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

This morning’s message continued a series from the book of Nehemiah about Building For Revival.  As with any construction project, building for revival takes a lot of work.  As you build for revival, it is important to pay attention to what God is doing and to what He will do, but it is also necessary to review what He has done as the history of past revival, and your own revival, helps in remembering the . . .

  • Protection: — Nehemiah 7:1-3, Psalm 77:11-13

  • Access: Nehemiah 7:4-7, Psalm 42:4

  • Sacrifice: — Nehemiah 7:66-72, Psalm 20:1-3

  • Trust:Nehemiah 7:73, Psalm 20:6-7


Today, where will this PAST take you?