Serving God: Courage From God’s Presence

It is my prayer that every Christian recognizes the importance of serving God through the way we serve others.  There are few things, if any, that are as emotionally exhilarating, and draining, as the task of serving others.  Having worked in a variety of ministry settings, including various roles within Christian camp ministry, I understand the excitement that often comes with the beginning of a new ministry or ministry season.  I also understand the weariness than can develop when our focus begins to drift away from the ministry of serving and onto ourselves.

This is day two in the fourth week of devotions from the book, “Serving God: Devotions for Active Worship”.  This devotional book is laid out in thirteen weeks of daily devotions with each week wrapped around an aspect of how we can serve others.  Each of these devotions are designed to help a person spend time with God to see how serving others is an act of worship.

Serving God:
Courage From God’s Presence

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Does having someone with you give you courage when facing the unknown?  Why?  How does that change if you know they’ve already been through what you face?  What parts of serving others requires courage for you?  Are there times fear has kept you from serving in a particular way?  Would having confidence in God’s presence being with you have helped?  Is there anything you will be asked to do in serving others that you think would surprise God? 

There are a variety of things that I am afraid of.  There are also a few fears that I have overcome with the help of God and friends who have been through what I feared.  Knowing I’m not alone helps me to have courage in serving because I am confident someone has my back.  When I think of the fears that have kept me from serving, daily acknowledging God’s presence helps me to know He can empower me to do what fear has kept me from trying.

As you pray, ask God to fill you with a knowledge of His presence.  Pray that He would specifically make that presence known to you when fear tempts you to not serve.  Pray that the people around you would see God’s presence in you.

In prayer,
