Encouragement and Prayer: Repent! (4/16/24)


This is the audio from the April 16, 2024 live social media broadcast of encouragement and prayer by Impact Prayer Ministry’s director, Tom Lemler.

“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.”
Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV)

This week’s prayer emphasis will be about our need to build for revival on a foundation of prayer!  I suspect one of the big reasons we need to seek God’s help in our prayer life is the command to “devote yourselves to prayer”.  If God had said to simply pray when you feel like it, or when it’s convenient, most of us could handle that.  But devoting ourselves to prayer is an entirely different task.  When confronted with the devastating condition of Jerusalem, Nehemiah  laid a foundation of prayer in order to see God’s perspective of what was needed.  When we go to God about our prayer life, we open our self up to His instruction and guidance in the way we relate to Him.  Pray that you would understand your need for God’s  help in this part of your relationship with Him — as in all other parts.  Pray that you would be always watchful and thankful as you pray — both qualities that will require God’s help.  Pray that your desire for revival would be built upon a foundation of prayer.

“Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.”
Acts 8:22 (NIV)

As you pray this week, ask God to help you examine just how devoted to prayer, and to Him, that you are.  As you pray, listen for God to reveal not just actions, but even thoughts for which you need to turn to Him in repentance.  Pray that you would turn to God for the strength and courage to change the things that need revived in your life.

You can find the live video feeds of these encouragement and prayer times on Impact Prayer Ministry’s Facebook page.

In prayer,