Engaged In the Battle: Session Three (Engaged With God’s Army)

Engaged In the Battle: Session Three (Engaged With God’s Army)

This is the audio of Session Three from the May 15, 2021 “Engaged In the Battle” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

Session Three:
Engaged With God’s Army

2 Kings 6:15-17
2 Chronicles 20:12-15

We stand with confidence knowing we are not alone in the battle.

“And Elisha prayed, ‘O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.’ Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Prayers that make a difference:  God’s Army

Prayers of:

¨ Desperation

¨ Insight

¨ Observation

¨ Dependence

¨ Courage

¨ Gratitude

Engaged In the Battle: Session Two (Engaged With God’s Attitude)

Engaged In the Battle: Session Two (Engaged With God’s Attitude)

This is the audio of Session Two from the May 15, 2021 “Engaged In the Battle” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

Session  Two:
Engaged With God’s Attitude

Philippians 2:1-11

Our success in the battle requires we have the attitude of Christ.

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:  Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Prayers that make a difference:  Attitude

Prayers of:

¨ Encouragement

¨ Comfort

¨ Fellowship

¨ Compassion

¨ Joy

¨ Selflessness

¨ Obedience

Engaged In the Battle: Session One (Engaged With God’s Armor)

Engaged In the Battle: Session One (Engaged With God’s Armor)

This is the audio of Session One from the May 15, 2021 “Engaged In the Battle” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

Session One:
Engaged With God’s Armor

Ephesians 6:10-18

Putting on the armor of God is done in the context of prayer.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Prayers that make a difference:  God’s Armor

Prayers of:

¨ Truth

¨ Righteousness

¨ Readiness

¨ Faith

¨ Salvation

¨ Scripture

¨ Persistence

Prepared For the Storms: Session Three (GROW)

Prepared For the Storms: Session Three (GROW)

This is the audio of Session Three from the February 27, 2021 “Prepared For the Storms” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

This session focused on being prepared as we Give, Receive, Obey, and Worship in, through, and beyond the storms.

Prepared For the Storms: Session Two (CALM)

Prepared For the Storms: Session Two (CALM)

This is the audio of Session Two from the February 27, 2021 “Prepared For the Storms” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

This session focused on being prepared as we find, and share, the Compassion, Authority, Lessons, and Moments that we experience in Jesus.

Prepared For the Storms: Session One (PLAN)

Prepared For the Storms: Session One (PLAN)

This is the audio of Session One from the February 27, 2021 “Prepared For the Storms” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

This session focused on being prepared as we Pray, Learn, Adapt, Notice even before the storms of life come crashing against us.

Prepared For the Storms: Introduction Session (STORMS)

Prepared For the Storms: Introduction Session (STORMS)

This is the audio of the Introduction session from the February 27, 2021 “Prepared For the Storms” prayer seminar held at the Buchanan Christian Church.

This introduction session looked at some categories of storms we tend to face in life.

Praying For the Church: Witness (Session Four)

Praying For the Church: Witness (Session Four)


This is the audio of session four from the September 7, 2019 Praying For the Church Prayer Event held at Michiana Christian Camp.

This final session focused on praying for the church’s witness as we considered how to live in such a way that the truth of Jesus is evident in our life.