Encouragement and Prayer: Remembering To Be Generous! (5/27/24)


This is the audio from the May 27, 2024 live social media broadcast of encouragement and prayer by Impact Prayer Ministry’s director, Tom Lemler.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

This week’s prayer emphasis will be about our need to remember, and do, the things God instructed through His Word.  The Bible contains many examples of God giving instructions for specific days, feasts, memorials, and other reminders so His people would not forget Him and His work.  Even when we know and experience the goodness of God, we need reminders to help us remember to share that goodness with others.  This week as we remember the sacrifices made by people on behalf of a nation, we will also spend time praying about remembering some things that God doesn’t want us to forget.  Things that we know, or have known, but would be good for us to remember . . . again.  Pray that you would remember the sacrifice of Jesus on your behalf.  Pray that you would remember the sacrifices of those whose lives paid for the freedoms you enjoy each day.  Pray that you would remember the things God wants you to never forget.  Pray that your remembering would lead to your doing.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)

As you pray this week, ask God to help you remember.  Pray that you would remember the generous nature of God.  Pray that you would remember to be generous with the things you sow into the lives of others.  Pray that your generosity would result in an abundance of godly fruit.

You can find the live video feeds of these encouragement and prayer times on Impact Prayer Ministry’s Facebook page.

In prayer,