Building For Revival: Standing FIRM! (Sermon Audio)


This is the audio from the May 19, 2024 sermon, “Building For Revival: Standing FIRM!”, shared by Tom Lemler at the Deer Run Church of Christ.

Text: Nehemiah 6

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”
Ephesians 6:13 (NIV)

This morning’s message continued a series from the book of Nehemiah about Building For Revival.  As with any construction project, building for revival takes a lot of work.  As God prepares us and does a work of revival in our life, the enemy does everything in his power to oppose the transformation God is bringing about.  As we gaze into God’s Word, we discover He has given us all that is necessary to keep us standing . . .

  • Faithfully: — Nehemiah 6:2-4

    • As Nehemiah continued the work God had called him to, the enemies of the rebuilding process were relentless in their opposition.  When we open ourselves to God doing a work of revival in our life, we can be sure the enemy will use every tool possible to derail such work.  Standing firm is not simply resisting the various temptations and attacks of the enemy, but it involves standing faithfully each and every time the accusations of the enemy come our way.  Standing faithfully is a way of life which says we will not give up regardless of how often the enemy comes at us.  We build for revival when we build in a way that is standing faithfully.
  • Intentionally: Nehemiah 6:8-9

    • When direct opposition failed to accomplish its intent, the enemies of Nehemiah sent an unsealed letter of accusation designed to stir up the gossip and rumor mills into a frenzy of doubt.  It is in the midst of this attempt to weaken the work from the inside out that Nehemiah chose to stand intentionally with God.  When we understand the true nature of revival, we discover we must be intentional in our conversations with God about our need for His help.  We build for revival when we build in a way that is standing intentionally.
  • Respectfully: — Nehemiah 6:11-14

    • How we treat those who oppose us says a lot about the strength of revival in our life.  There are some who believe that standing firm gives permission to treat people in ways that are far from Christ-like.  Fortunately, Scripture gives us instructions on how we ought to treat all people with respect and love.  Even when opposed directly, Nehemiah chose to leave judgement and the fate of his enemies to God.  Standing firm in the midst of opposition, when done God’s way, requires that we not only give an answer for the hope that is within us, but that we also do so with gentleness and respect.  We build for revival when we build in a way that is standing respectfully.
  • Mentally:Nehemiah 6:15-16

    • God’s Word gives us the instruction to take every thought captive because our mind is often the opening the enemy uses to distract and destroy us.  We find that by trusting God and following His plan, the people of Israel were able to stand strong mentally while their enemies were filled with fear.  Standing mentally is not about us claiming victory because of our might or power, but rather it is about enduring in a way that makes the work of God clear to everyone . . . everyone including our enemies.  We build for revival when we build in a way that is standing mentally.

Today, how will you use God’s Word to assist you in standing FIRM?